Editors Picks

Friday, May 5, 2023

Mati & Dikuburkan


Khotbah Jumat Agung yang berisikan pembuktian kematian Yesus dari kacamata ilmu sejarah.

Seminar Dinosaurus


Seminar ini menyajikan pandangan Kristen konservatif tentang keberadaan dinosaurus tanpa perlu berkompromi dengan teori evolusi.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Kanon Alkitab Tertua

 Origen (185-253) telah memiliki daftar kanon Perjanjian Baru. Lihat artikelnya di sini

Friday, October 21, 2022

Four Quotient

 According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)

3) Social Quotient (SQ)

4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve math's, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time. People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down. A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ. Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind. When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider suicide. Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts. Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly? Dalam rangka menghindari dimakan sebelum menjadi kupu-kupu, binatang ini mempunyai 3 cara menyamar yang digunakan selama prosesnya menuju dewasa.

1. Larva yang baru menetas terlihat seperti kotoran burung. Burung mana yang mau makan kotoran burung? 

Larva Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Pada ganti kulit yang ketiga, ulat berubah menjadi hijau supaya mirip dengan daun-daun yang ia makan.

2. Sebagai tambahan, kepala ulat hijau ini memiliki dua bintik besar yang menyerupai mata ular. Burung yang memakan ulat membenci ular!

Ulat Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

3. Akhirnya di tahap pupa, Tiger Swallowtail menyerupai ranting patah di pohon.

Pupa Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Ketiga penyamaran ini mencerminkan banyaknya pengetahuan tentang perilaku makhluk yang ingin memakan kupu-kupu ini.

  1. Bagaimana larva tumbuh sendiri agar terlihat seperti kotoran burung? Apakah dia melihat kotoran, tahu bahwa burung tidak memakan kotoran dan memutuskan untuk mengubah tubuhnya agar terlihat seperti itu?
  2. Pada ganti kulit yang ketiga, bagaimana ia tahu bahwa burung-burung takut kepada ular? Apakah ulat pernah melihat ular?
  3. Pada tahap pupa, bagaimana ia tahu bagaimana mengubah warna diri dan bentuknya menyerupai ranting patah?

Evolusionis percaya bahwa semua hal di atas memberikan tiger swallowtail keuntungan untuk bertahan hidup, semua terjadi begitu saja selama periode waktu yang sangat lama secara kebetulan. Apakah hal ini masuk akal? Tige swallowtail adalah ahli menyamar, tetapi ia dipersiapkan oleh pencipta kita yang penuh kasih.

Diambil dari renungan tanggal 8 September dari buku berjudul "Have You Considered? Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" karangan Julie Von Vett & Bruce A. Malone.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

John Calvin's View of Dragons

For the same purpose he adds, He has set me an empty vessel, that is, he has wholly exhausted me, as when one empties a flagon or a cask. Then he says, he has swallowed me like a dragon. It is a comparison different from the former, but yet very suitable; for dragons are those who devour a whole animal; and this is what the Prophet means. Though these comparisons do not in everything agree, yet as to the main thing they are most appropriate, even to show that God suffered his people to be devoured, as though they had been exposed to the teeth of a lion or a bear, as thought they had been a prey to a dragon.

Calvin Commentaries on Jeremiah 51:34.